


  1. What’s your name? Hi! I’m Christine Obing.
  2. Where in the world are you blogging from? I’m from Philippines.
  3. How did you get into blogging in the first place? I followed many bookstgrammers and then I was curious what is book blog and then when I saw what it was, that’s when I decided to join in the community.
  4. How did you come up with your blog name? Actually, it was crazy because I don’t know what blog name should I used. At first, my blog name is a book and everything. A book and everything is all about books, tv series and movies reviews. But since I’m indecisive person I changed my blog format and blog name, that’s when tine’s reviews came up.
  5. What genre do you read and review the most on your blog? Mostly contemporary, fantasy, mystery, paranormal, and historical fiction. From young adult to general fiction.
  6. What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews? blog tours and author interviews.
  7. Best blogging experience so far? That’s when I got a chance to talk to the other authors and get to know what books to be release.
  8. Favorite thing about the blogging community? To talk to the other book bloggers and expand my knowledge in book community.
  9. Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2016! Glass sword, The Crown, A Study in Charlotte,  Passenger, Lady Midnight,
  10. Name the 5 books you want to read this 2016 that you didn’t get to in previous years! Throne of Glass series, The Lunar Chronicles, The Infernal Devices, Alienated, A darker shade of magic.
  11. What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read? The Awakened by Sara Santana, its a zombie apocalypse and I really really loved it! This is the first time that I’ve read Zombie Apocalyse.
  12. Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF? Tris Prior from Divergent Series. I love her being brave because I’m not brave. haha
  13. Which book boy or girl would be your book boyfriend/girlfriend? Noah Shaw from The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer Series. He’s too die for, I longed for him. hahaha
  14. Who would you recruit for your apocalypse squad (5 characters max) Characters from the Elementals: the prophecy of shadows by Michelle Madow. They are Nicole, Blake, Danielle, Chris, and Kate.  Their powers are amazing and perfect fit for the apocalypse world.
  15. Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests? Watching TV Series or Movies.
  16. Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for? Notebooks. I have many notebooks that I didn’t use.
  17. At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing? Don’t let me down by The Chainsmokers. I’ve been in a state of LSS this past days.
  18. Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book. TV Series turned to book – Once Upon A time.
  19. What would your dream library look like? I’ve been wanting to have a Sasha Alsberg Bookshelf. alsberg
  20. Author you want to meet and sit down to tea with? Victoria Aveyard.

By Christine

a reader and writer.

8 replies on “Love-a-Thon”

So glad you’re joining us for this year’s love-a-thon! Have you seen Sasha’s new shelves? They’re pretty awesome too. (And I have the same ones as she does now! Though I got mine last year.) ANYWAY. I hope you get to read the Throne of Glass books soon. They’re phenomenal! Definitely favorites for me ❤

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What a clever idea turning Once Upon a Time into a book series. That would do really well! And how awesome you’re blogging all the way from the from the Phillippines!! I’m in the US and I don’t think I know any bloggers who live so far from me. *waves across the ocean* 🙂

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Christine! A Study in Charlotte is on my most excited list too! I don’t think I’ve ever read a female Sherlock, so I’m extra excited to see how she’s portrayed. (I’m sure she’d be 100 times better than the male Sherlock.)

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